Tag Archive | eat fruits and vegetables

4 Foods That Are Great For Your Skin!

How To Get Healthy Skin

So you know to drink a bunch of water each day (sugar-packed Vitamin Water doesn’t count), quit smoking if you haven’t — and cut down on sugar, refined carbs, gluten and dairy to improve your skin! Here are four foods that can also help keep that mug pretty and healthy. Be sure to try our Moriche Palm Herbal Firming Cream, it’s great for toning and smoothing out the skin on your backside!

1) Carrots!
Vitamin A not only helps maintain good vision, teeth and bones — it also supports skin cell development and firms skin tone.

2) Berries!
Vitamin C helps keep skin smooth and taut by boosting collagen production, and also boosting the  immune system, which helps skin to heal properly. Blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and black currants are particularly rich in vitamin C, and low in fruit sugar.

3) Brazil Nuts!
A handful of Brazil nuts can provide your daily supply of selenium, another antioxidant that works with vitamins A and C to boost the immune system. A diet rich in selenium can protect against melanoma, sun damage, and age spots. Other good sources are seeds such as sunflower, chia, pumpkin. Many nuts also contain vitamin E, which helps hold in moisture.

4) Parsley!
A sprig of parsley is high in vitamin K, which helps promote elasticity. Also loaded with vitamins A and C, parsley can clear blemishes and reduce redness — and it has antibacterial and antifungal properties that disinfect pores to prevent acne!

Don’t Make These Mistakes at the Doctor!

funny-doctor-quotesThings To Do At The Doctor

Yep, be sure to shower, wear clean underwear, and don’t throw anything when the nurse still hasn’t called your name ONE HOUR after your appointment was SUPPOSED to be! In addition to those tips, we happened upon these seven recommendations on Oprah.com on how to have the best experience at the doctor. Read more on the Oprah site.

1) Don’t Take the 11:30am Monday Appointment

If you can’t get the first appointment of the day on Monday, opt for the first one after lunch, or a mid-week appointment — people do all kinds of crazy shit on the weekend, and then haggle to be seen on Monday to help fix it!

2) Don’t Let Your Doctor Snub You

Your doctor is obviously busy, and might be rushing through things — stop to acknowledge that he/she seems busy, and ask how their day is going.

3) Don’t Wait Until You’re in the Exam Room To Know What You’re Going to Say

Write it all down: Why you’re there, all the things you need checked out, all your symptoms, when they started, the prescriptions you need written etc…it’ll save a lot of time and headaches.

4) Don’t Just Smile and Nod

This is your health and body — speak up!

5) Don’t Forget to Mention ALL of the Medicines You’re Taking/Have Taken

This includes multivitamins, and the prescriptions you were SUPPOSED to take but didn’t!

6) Don’t Let Technology Take Over the Appointment

Whether your doctor is hovered over his/her laptop or iPad writing up that prescription, or you’re checking your phone, it’s important to make sure to have quality face-to-face time — make eye contact!

7) Don’t Always Trust the Nurse/Physician’s Assistant

Granted, sometimes the nurse knows more than the doc (!), but if your doctor told you one thing and the nurse is taking a different path, make sure you ask him/her to confirm with your doctor. Use phrases like, “I’m afraid your actions could cause harm, please let me talk to someone else immediately.”

Get Rid Of Flabby Arms!

How Do I Firm My Triceps

Ugh, flabby fatty arms! They’re the worst! A well-balanced diet low in sugar and bad fats, along with some weight-training, can help rein in your bat wings. We found this great YouTube video that shows some simple moves to blast fat… we like this lady, her name is Erin, check her out!

Kim Kardashian Faces Blackface Kanye Impersonator

spl709305-002Keeping Up With the Kardashians

Um. Are we still reading articles about things like this? In a nutshell: Kim Kardashian attended the Vienna Opera Ball in Austria as the guest of Austrian businessman Richard Lugner, 81. And then some guy in blackface gets in her face pretending to be Kanye West?? WTF.

Read (and click the video to listen) at the New York Daily News site.

Chips That Slim Your Waist!

sweet-potato-chipsHealthy Snacks

Okay now don’t get too excited…well okay, you can get excited, because these things are pretty damn good for you! Or at least better for you than store-bought chips — they’ll fill you up with good nutrients so you don’t eat the whole bag (tray)! Don’t get in that habit. And just FYI — and a note across the board — there are still a number of calories/fat in the olive oil, and salt can have addictive qualities, so use sparingly. Everything in moderation. We suggest making these as an appetizer, or to just have around a snack, or for the kids, or for visiting guests — they’ll never know healthy could taste so good! Thanks Oxygen magazine!

Kale Chips (serves 4)

—1 large bunch kale, washed
—Olive oil spray
—1/8 cup lemon juice
—Sea salt, to taste

1) Preheat oven to 400
2) Line a baking sheet with parchment/wax paper, or grease lightly with olive oil
3) Remove stems from the leaves, then tear kale into desirable pieces and place on baking sheet
4) Flightly coat leaves with spray, then sprinkle with lemon juice and sea salt. Bake 12-15 minutes, or until crispy. Check on them regularly, as these can burn easily!

Sweet Potato Chips (serves 2)

—1 medium sweet potato, sliced very thin
—Olive oil spray
—Sea salt, to taste

1) Preheat oven to 400
2) Lightly spray baking sheet with olive oil
3) Spread potato slices out evenly on the baking sheet and sprinkle with a dash of sea salt
4) Bake 20-25 minutes, flipping halfway through. Spice them up with some chili powder or cinnamon!

Breaded Zucchini Chips (serves 2)

—1 medium zucchini
—1 tbsp olive oil
—1 egg white
—1/4 cup almond flour
—Sea salt and pepper, to taste

1) Preheat oven to 350
2) Line a baking sheet with parchment/wax paper, or grease lightly with olive oil
3) Slice zucchini thin and place in a bowl
4) Add remaining ingredients to bowl and gently toss zucchini to coat
5) Place zucchini on baking sheet, bake for 40 minutes, flipping halfway through


Five Foods That Help Burn Fat

fat-burning-foods-drinksFat-Burning Foods

Disclaimer: Eating and not exercising is not going to burn fat! If you aren’t already, you have to get moving ladies. If you’re not used to exercising, try walking for 30 minutes three times a week, and try to build to daily. Add in 15-25 squats every day, and some sit-ups. Here are two videos you can do at home: a butt-building workout, and a great lower-body workout with Chanta Patton. Remember — muscle burns fat! So the more muscle you build, the more fat you burn!

Also, remember that eating fruits and vegetables in general helps boost metabolism and burn calories, because the body burns calories during digestion, and (raw) fruits and vegetables are low-calorie foods.

That being said, there ARE certain foods that theoretically can kick up our metabolism and our body’s fat-burning mechanisms even more. We happened upon this list in the Winter 2013 issue of Oxygen magazine, here’s a synopsis:

1) PUMPKIN SEEDS The magnesium and fiber help regulate insulin levels and prevent fat storage. Toss them into a salad, or have a (small) package as a snack.

2) CHAMOMILE TEA If you’re planning on staying in for the night, sip this tea before dinner (it will super-relax you or make you sleepy), and might also help stimulate gastric fluids to break down fat and cholesterol. Its calming effects might also help lower cortisol levels, the hormone linked to belly-fat storage.

3) SARDINES Ooh ooh, a healthy-fat food! Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, sardines can helps regulate your body’s level of the leptin hormone, which helps affect whether your body stores fat or burns it, and also your feeling of fullness after you eat.

4) BLACK BEANS High in protein and fiber and low in calories, your body takes a while to digest black beans, which can actually help boost your metabolism. Black beans also have the highest concentration of fat-burning flavonoids in the bean family.

5) LOW-FAT KEFIR A three-quarter cup serving provides more than 20% if your daily calcium, which promotes fat breakdown.